Por redacción de Sin Comillas

La crisis de deuda sigue atrayendo la atención de muchos en Estados Unidos y cada vez son más frecuentes las actividades que se organizan para analizar este asunto. El American Enterprise Institute celebrará el martes, 30 de junio, de 9:00 am a 11:00 am una actividad que lleva por título “A tale of two debt crises: Is Puerto Rico America’s Greece?”.

“The deepening Puerto Rican debt crisis invites comparison with the ongoing debt crisis in Greece that is threatening the eurozone. Both economies are burdened with excessive debt from years of fiscal profligacy, and as members of a monetary union, neither economy has its own central bank to help finance its budget deficit or to allow for currency devaluation.

During this AEI event, several financial experts will compare and contrast the Puerto Rican and Greek cases. Additionally, panelists will discuss how these two crises might play out and examine what impact their respective resolutions may have on the US and European economies.”

Participarán en la conferencia: Whitney de Bevoise, Arnold and Porter; Bert Ely, Ely & Co.; David Hitchcock, Standard & Poors; Desmond Lachman, American Enterprise Institute; y John Mousseau, Cumberland Advisors. El moderador serea Alex J. Pollock, del American Enterprise Institute.